Empty Tomb - Empty Womb

April 20, 2019
Marie Joseph





Today I am reflecting on the story of a girl named Brittany. She came to our center with an unplanned pregnancy and felt abortion was her only option because of her financial situation and family pressures.

We confirmed her pregnancy, went through all the information and support we provide, and gave her a free ultrasound.

However, she confirmed her appointment with the abortion clinic for the end of the week.

Nevertheless, we continued to follow up with phone calls, letting her know she was always welcome to come back and that we were there for her. In the meantime, our prayer chain was hard at work…

I think that must have been how Mary felt when Jesus was being killed.

She followed him, cried for him, was praying and trusting that God's will would be done. Then, for three days after his death, she continued to pray, and waited…

On the day Brittany was to get her scheduled abortion, we were all in a staff meeting.

Suddenly, one of our counselors got a message from Brittany who had gone to the abortion clinic that morning. She said she went in, was on the operating table, but she realized that it was her baby growing inside her - so she hopped off the table and walked out!

A true resurrection story.

I think of Mary and how long those three days of waiting must have been for her mother's heart. Longing for her son, trusting God in the midst of indescribable pain.

Suddenly, on the third day, the word is shouted from the rooftops:

"He is Risen!"

Not only was Brittany's baby's life saved that day - hers was too.

She chose life for herself.

Today and this whole Easter Season, I am giving thanks for all those who make these resurrection stories possible …

- who every day and in many different ways, spread the message of life by their prayers and generosity.

We continue to pray and work for the day where every empty womb is a witness to life - not death.

That the precious gift of a child is realized and their lives can be proclaimed with joy and thanks to our Creator.

Praised be to God!

May you all have a happy and blessed Easter season!



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Save a LIFE and change a family forever.

Abortion is not a choice. Our centers exist to show mothers with unplanned pregnancies that there is a way. There is hope. There is a choice for love.


When a woman is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, she is in crisis. She is alone. She does not think abortion is her right - she thinks abortion is her only choice. We are here to break the cycle, to give her the freedom to make a free choice for life and to help her be the mother she was created to be

No One To Turn To

Marsha had a very troubled childhood. Her parents were separated when she was young because of her mother’s drug addiction. Her father took her away from that toxic environment to raise her in the best way he knew how.

Forced Into Abortion

When Lexus was just 16 years old her mother forced her to get an abortion. Lexus was raised to believe that you have an abortion when you have an unplanned pregnancy.

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